Call to undefined function Illuminate\View\Engines\str() (500 Internal Server Error)

Symfony Exception


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Call to undefined function Illuminate\View\Engines\str()



  1.         try {
  2.             $results $this->evaluatePath($this->compiler->getCompiledPath($path), $data);
  3.         } catch (ViewException $e) {
  4.             if (! str($e->getMessage())->contains(['No such file or directory''File does not exist at path'])) {
  5.                 throw $e;
  6.             }
  7.             if (! isset($this->compiledOrNotExpired[$path])) {
  8.                 throw $e;
  1.      *
  2.      * @return string
  3.      */
  4.     protected function getContents()
  5.     {
  6.         return $this->engine->get($this->path$this->gatherData());
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Get the data bound to the view instance.
  10.      *
  1.         // clear out the sections for any separate views that may be rendered.
  2.         $this->factory->incrementRender();
  3.         $this->factory->callComposer($this);
  4.         $contents $this->getContents();
  5.         // Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
  6.         // so that each section gets flushed out next time a view is created and
  7.         // no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
  8.         $this->factory->decrementRender();
  1.      * @throws \Throwable
  2.      */
  3.     public function render(callable $callback null)
  4.     {
  5.         try {
  6.             $contents $this->renderContents();
  7.             $response = isset($callback) ? $callback($this$contents) : null;
  8.             // Once we have the contents of the view, we will flush the sections if we are
  9.             // done rendering all views so that there is nothing left hanging over when
  1.   <body <?php body_class(); ?>>
  2.     <?php wp_body_open(); ?>
  3.     <?php do_action('get_header'); ?>
  4.     <div id="app">
  5.       <?php echo view(app('sage.view'), app(''))->render(); ?>
  6.     </div>
  7.     <?php do_action('get_footer'); ?>
  8.     <?php wp_footer(); ?>
  9.   </body>
include('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-content/themes/surface/index.php') in /home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-includes/template-loader.php (line 106)
  1.      *
  2.      * @param string $template The path of the template to include.
  3.      */
  4.     $template apply_filters'template_include'$template );
  5.     if ( $template ) {
  6.         include $template;
  7.     } elseif ( current_user_can'switch_themes' ) ) {
  8.         $theme wp_get_theme();
  9.         if ( $theme->errors() ) {
  10.             wp_die$theme->errors() );
  11.         }
require_once('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-includes/template-loader.php') in /home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-blog-header.php (line 19)
  1.     // Set up the WordPress query.
  2.     wp();
  3.     // Load the theme template.
  4.     require_once ABSPATH WPINC '/template-loader.php';
  5. }
require('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-blog-header.php') in /home/hzjjsmp/www/index.php (line 17)
  1.  * @var bool
  2.  */
  3. define'WP_USE_THEMES'true );
  4. /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
  5. require __DIR__ '/wp-blog-header.php';

Stack Trace

Call to undefined function Illuminate\View\Engines\str()

  at /home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-content/themes/surface/vendor/illuminate/view/Engines/CompilerEngine.php:73
  at Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine->get('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-content/themes/surface/resources/views/page.blade.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'post' => object(WP_Post), 'siteName' => 'Surface', 'flexibleContent' => array(array('acf_fc_layout' => 'slider_text', 'title' => 'Lighting', 'title_link' => '', 'left_slider' => array(array('left_slider_item' => false), array('left_slider_item' => false)), 'right_text_slider' => '<p>Born from the meeting of two primitive natural materials: earth and wool fiber.<br />The lamp base is shaped in coil with a red sandstone chamotte and encrusted with micas*.<br />The lampshade is handmade in ecru wool.</p>', 'circle_text' => '', 'circle_url' => '', 'more_info' => '<p>Golden shards</p>', 'color_class' => 'orange'), array('acf_fc_layout' => 'product', 'product' => false), array('acf_fc_layout' => 'instagram', 'title' => 'Instagram', 'title_link' => '', 'instagram_feed' => '<div class="photo-feed-block"></div> <!-- // Gallery Block -->'))))
  at Illuminate\View\View->getContents()
  at Illuminate\View\View->renderContents()
  at Illuminate\View\View->render()
  at include('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-content/themes/surface/index.php')
  at require_once('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-includes/template-loader.php')
  at require('/home/hzjjsmp/www/wp-blog-header.php')